School Spirits
A fifteen-year-old named Izzy is the last in the family inherit the family job in magic because her older sister vanished without a trace. The mom decided to start fresh again and move to Mississippi and to see if they can find any information on what happened to her daughter. Where Izzy has to learn to be a average teenager. All her life she know to fight and survive. She doesn’t know how to make friends, or to control her feels for this boy that she likes. Izzy was trained to not get attached or to not let her ground down when she is around Peolpe. They can hurt her if they know who she really is. but she did and got hurt really bad her mom helped her. And it scared and hurted the mom when that happened to her because she thought that she was going to lose lzzy too. One day down the line lzzy’s mom is tried of trying to find her she uses a locator spell that can put the mom and Izzy in danger but she doesn’t care. Izzy starts schoo...